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7.4.2025 Enhancing Warfighter Readiness through Lifestyle and Performance Medicine

Summit day 1  – April 7th, 2025

Location: Riihimäki, Finland

Hosted by: Centre for Military Medicine (FDF) and City of Riihimäki in collaboration with University of Helsinki, DEFINE and Metabite

Address: DEFINE Innovation hub, Pohjoinen Asemakatu 5, 11130 Riihimäki

DEFINE Innovation Hub is  located next to the Riihimäki railway station (200 m), so we kindly recommend to arrive by train. There are only a few parking spaces available in the yard of the event venue (Veturitallit parking lot) and more free of charge parking space in the Peltosaari parking area. From the Peltosaari parking lot, there is an underpass to Veturitallit railway station & DEFINE center (5 min walk).


11:00 AM Registration and Lunch

12:00 PM Opening Remarks

  • Ilkka Laaksi, LtCol (MC), MD, PhD, Head of the Centre For Military Medicine, FDF
  • Teemu Seppälä, Technology & Innovation director, City of Riihimäki
  • Päivi Sillanaukee, Special Envoy for Health and Wellbeing, Ministry of Social Aff airs and Health
  • Dr./Colonel Chelsey Payne, USAF, MC, FS, Director, International Health Specialist Program

12:30 PM Keynote Presentations

  • Introduction – The Importance of Innovation and Interoperability for Lifestyle and Performance Medicine
    Dr. Regan Stiegmann, LPM LAB/Rocky Vista University (RVUCOM)
  • Lifestyle and Performance Medicine for the Next Generation of Military Health Care Professionals
    Dr. Kevin S. Puri, D.O. Capt, MC, U.S. Air Force
  • Implementation of Lifestyle and Performance Medicine in NATO countries
    Dr. Chelsea Payne MD, MPH, Colonel, MC, U.S. Air Force
  • Lithuania: Lifestyle & Performance Medicine in NATO
    Dr. Tomas Vaicunas – Vilnius University Medical School

This session will discuss the critical role of Lifestyle and Performance Medicine in enhancing US/NATO military readiness, resilience, and overall eff ectiveness. Emphasis will be placed on how adopting evidence-based approaches to nutrition, physical fi tness, mental health, and sleep can signifi cantly improve both individual and unit performance.

2:00 PM Coffee break

2:30 PM Presentations continue: Insights from Lithuania & the UK

  • Case example: Lithuanian Leaders in Lifestyle and Performance Medicine
    Speaker to be announced
  • Case example: UK-Royal Navy Lifestyle Medicine
    Dr./LCDR Nathaniel Roocroft, Royal Navy (UK) and colleagues

3:10 PM FinNutriForce intervention – novel approach to defence performance and public health

  • Speakers: Prof. Kristiina Patja, MD, PhD, University of Helsinki and LtCol(MC) Ilkka Laaksi, MD, PhD, the Centre For Military Medicine, FDF

*short break*

3:55 PM Panel Discussion

  • Scaling Lifestyle and Performance Medicine Using the Latest Evidence-Based Approaches and Technology

Intro for the panel

Lifestyle Medicine, Cognitive Performance, and the Warfighter: Demand Signals for Human Performance Optimization Research.
Dr. Seth Faith, PhD, ST, US Air Force Research Laboratory


  • Dr. Regan Stiegmann (Panel chair),
  • Dr./Colonel Chelsea Payne (US Air Force)
  • Dr./Capt Lt (MC) Richard Lundell, MD, PhD, Assoc Prof, ( The Centre for Military Medicine, FDF)
  • Prof. Kristiina Patja, MD, PhD (University of Helsinki)
  • Mr. Michael Quarshie, CEO and co-founder (Metabite)

The panel will explore how to eff ectively scale lifestyle and performance medicine initiatives within military settings. Topics include leveraging technology such as wearable devices, personalized training programs, and telemedicine to enhance health outcomes. Panelists will also discuss the importance of integrating these approaches into military culture and training programs to ensure sustainability and eff ectiveness and how to scale them to civilian use cases and make them viable.

5:00 PM Closing Remarks and Future Steps

  • Speaker: Ilkka Laaksi, LtCol (MC), MD, PhD, Head of the Centre For Military Medicine, FDF

5:10 PM Summit ends at Riihimäki