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Riihimäki builds an innovation network connecting soldiers and civilians

1.3.2024 Uncategorized News

Defence Forces soldiers putting up a tent in the forest
Image: Puolustusvoimat 2024

Defence Innovation Network Finland DEFINE is a project led by the City of Riihimäki to build an internationally advanced defence and security network. The network’s aim is to bring together the best military and civilian experts to create new innovations that serve both military needs and the society as a whole.

The security and defence sector is experiencing strong growth amid global turmoil. Finland, as a member of NATO, has excellent opportunities to boost growth and diversify our exports. The City of Riihimäki has been building a unique innovation network linking military and civilian communities since the beginning of 2023.

“Some of the world’s most advanced inventions are the result of joint development and innovation between companies, military organisations, and research institutes. Positioning, radar technology and, for example, the microwave oven are examples of things that were originally developed as military technology,” says Riihimäki’s Mayor Jouni Eho.

Eho believes that the defence sector has huge international growth potential.

“Finland’s strength lies in its ability to build a low hierarchy between the private and public sectors. We are now building on this strength by building a network of security and defence innovation in Finland. The aim is to boost the work and business of the different stakeholders, and ultimately also to strengthen Finland’s national defence capabilities and the overall security of its citizens.”

Riihimäki region’s security expertise is further strengthened

DEFINE, Defence Innovation Network Finland, was launched in the spring of 2023, bringing together interested parties in the field. Riihimäki hired Lieutenant General Ilkka Korkiamäki as project coordinator, and set up a steering group to guide the network’s development.

In spring 2023, a round table discussion was held in Riihimäki to support the network launch, and in late 2023, Riihimäki hosted a seminar focused on defence innovation. One of DEFINE’s goals is to build a business accelerator in Riihimäki focusing on military-civil dual-use technologies, which would also be part of NATO’s DIANA network in Finland.

Riihimäki is a natural place for the network, as the city already hosts The Finnish Defence Forces’ competence centres for cybersecurity, digitalisation and management systems, and the economic area is home to numerous defence and security companies. The region is also training new talent in the field, and Häme University of Applied Sciences plans to double its technical education offer in the coming years.

“Riihimäki has a unique educational path in robotics: you can learn about robotics already in early childhood education, and study the field at all levels of education up to a doctoral degree,” says Mayor Eho.

DEFINE visible to citizens at MaanpuolustusAreena Defence Exhibition

In June, the innovation network will organise a defence exhibition event in Riihimäki, in connection with the International Sportsmen’s Fair. The aim is to develop the event into one of Finland’s most important annual defence and security events, focusing on boosting technology development and innovation in the sector.

DEFINE (Defence Innovation Network Finland) is a project led by the City of Riihimäki to build an internationally advanced defence and security network. The aim is to bring together the best military and civilian experts to create new innovations that serve both military needs and the society as a whole. DEFINE is co-funded by the Regional Council of Häme and supported by the ERDF programme.