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NATO DIANA challenges have been published

8.7.2024 Uncategorized News

The NATO DIANA challenges aim to identify and support developers in different countries so that, together, as a NATO alliance, we can be at the forefront of technological development. The NATO DIANA challenges will enable us to strengthen, protect, and build a peaceful and sustainable future together.

DIANA challenges for 2024

The application period is 1/7/2024 – 9/8/2024 and applications should be submitted to:

Read more about the application criteria:

Energy & Power

Designed to build on and extend the success of last year’s Energy Resilience Challenge. The challenge focuses on improving resilience of energy and electricity in the production, storage, distribution, recovery, collection and power sectors.

Data & Information Security

DIANA is looking for technology solutions that facilitate the generation, usage, distribution and protection of information in multi-domain environments, including space, characterised by different devices, communication systems, environments and concepts of operation.

Sensing & Surveillance

This challenge will also build on the successful detection and surveillance challenge of 2023, extended to all sectors (land, sea, air, space and cyber).

Human Health & Performance

This challenge seeks solutions to improve the understanding of human physical and mental health and well-being in different environments, including space.

Critical Infrastructure & Logistics

This challenge focuses on the safe and reliable operation of critical national and international infrastructure and global supply chains across different sectors.

VTT and its partners support Finnish start-ups and SMEs

In addition to VTT, organizations including Business Finland, Tesi, FiBAN, DDE (Digital Defence Ecosystem) and DEFINE (Defence Innovation Network Finland) support companies to participate in the NATO DIANA Innovation Accelerator Challenge.

An event will be organised in Otaniemi, Espoo, on 31 July 2024 for companies aspiring to the DIANA accelerator:

Selected companies will receive feedback on their application from defence professionals and business and technology mentors. DIANA will also host virtual webinars where participants can ask questions about the application and evaluation process.

For more information, please contact our DEFINE partner VTT (see contact details).