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19/8/2024 DEFINE dual-use technology business accelerator project receives positive funding decision

19.8.2024 News

The DEFINE dual-use technology business accelerator is a project co-funded by the European Union for the period 1/4/2024 – 31/3/2026, with the City of Riihimäki as the main implementation partner. The existing expertise in Riihimäki provides an excellent platform for a business accelerator focusing on dual-use technologies. The accelerator is specifically targeted at the needs of small and medium sized enterprises in the high-tech sector interested in developing and promoting their businesses, including to the defence and security sector. The accelerator is part of the DEFINE network.

Business accelerator identifies, upskills and supports businesses

The business accelerator will function as a comprehensive business skills advisory service. The aim is to identify, upskill and support companies that could benefit from new sources of funding for their RDI activities. The accelerator’s activities will support companies to develop new dual-use technologies, products and services for export markets. The project will strengthen knowledge and innovation, the development of new technologies and the internationalisation of companies in the defence sector.

The project aims to increase knowledge and understanding of dual-use technologies and related business opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups in the Kanta-Häme region and beyond. The aim is to generate growth in international business in the Finnish defence and security sector.

Helping local businesses to grow internationally

Teemu Seppälä, Technology and Innovation Director of the City of Riihimäki, is excited about the project:

“It is particularly rewarding to be able to help our local businesses grow internationally. International financial institutions have opened up their funds to companies developing dual-use technologies, and there are plenty of opportunities – as long as they have taken the necessary first steps. There are few local providers supporting companies in developing security, defence and dual-use technologies on a global scale, and it is this need that we are meeting.”

The business accelerator is a continuation of the DEFINE network coordinated by the City of Riihimäki. The network brings together The Finnish Defence Forces, defence and security companies, educational institutions, and research institutes.