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Define Accelerator’s Fall Batch ‘24 Demo Day on February 26th

See the photos of Demo Day here!
You are welcome to download and share these photos. Photographer: Juho Haavisto.

On February 26th, 2025, twelve exceptional companies from our latest batch will present their unique solutions shaping the future of Western resilience and technological sovereignty.

In addition to the batch introductions, we have esteemed guest speakers, Michael Brehm from Redstone and Margot McDonnell from Kongsberg Innovation.

The event will take place on February 26th, 2025, from 2 pm to 5 pm EET at Define Innovation Hub, Pohjoinen Asemakatu 5, 11130 Riihimäki, Finland. The doors open at 1 pm. The program includes company presentations followed by networking opportunities.

  • 13:00 Registration & Refreshments
  • 14:00 Keynotes
    • Margot McDonnell, Dual Use Lead, Kongsberg Innovation
    • Michael Brehm, Founding partner, Redstone VC
    • 12 x startup pitches
  • 16:00 Networking
  • 17:00 Event ends

Registration has ended. The event is full.

How to get here

The venue is next to the Riihimäki railway station (200 m), we recommend to arrive by train.
There are some parking slots available outside the venue (at the end of of the yard) and more parking here at the Peltosaari parking area. There is an underpass walk connection from the Peltosaari parking to train station & DEFINE hub at Veturitallit (5 minutes walk).

DEFINE Accelerator main partners

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